Wednesday, April 8, 2009



In addition to cleaning out your closets this spring, perhaps it time to go through the garage and basement. Some of the items that residents would typically throw away on trash day could now be very easily recycled or much more safely disposed of.

At the DPW yard at 147 Hampshire St the city maintains a top notch recycling yard that accepts a variety of items from scrap metal to old computers. So if you find yourself rummaging through the dark corners of your basement wondering how your going to make some room, take a look at the various items you might be able to recycle at the drop off center.

Additionally the City hosts a number of Hazardous Waste collection days at the Concord Armory.
This year the first one is being held on April 25th. It’s a great opportunity to get rid of chemicals that you may have accumulated over the years. Just load up your trunk and drive through the line, you don’t even have to get out of your car. Workers will unload you and you are on your way in no time.
For information about the items collected please visit

It important that we all contribute to a better environment and proper disposal of harmful chemicals and keeping our recyclable out of landfills can have a tremendous impact on our community.

Some other useful information:

Separate yard waste collection begins the week of April 6th

Multi-family buildings with 6 units or more are eligible for free wheeled recycling toters. DPW will label them for “paper/cardboard” and “containers” and deliver them to your building. To request recycling toters, visit