158 Spring St.,
Cambridge, MA 02141
Cambridge - I had the opportunity to spend an afternoon touring one of Cambridge's true educational treasures at the Kennedy-Longfellow school in East Cambridge. Breakthrough Cambridge is a local nonprofit dedicated to inspiring middle school students and setting them on the path to college. The summer program, completely free for its students, accepts aspiring 7th, 8th, and 9th graders who show a demonstrated need. Breakthrough then shows these students that learning -- even over the summer -- can be creative, inspirational, spirited, and fun.

Breakthrough students examine the ethos, pathos, and logos of Supreme Court decisions with their teacher (center)
Along with a rigorous curriculum, students are actively engaged to learn and participate by unleashing their own creativity. During our visit we were fortunate enough to see two skits, written and perfomed by the students themselves, relating facts about the ancient olympics to their modern lives. The teachers, highly motivated college students from across the nation, each brought their own passion and creativity to the job. Both the teachers and students said they learn from each other every day, and the results were evident in their enthusiasm. Breakthrough Cambridge creates an inspirational environment to help these kids reach their full potential.

left to right: (top)Vice Mayor Sam Seidel, Councillor Larry Ward, teacher Nebeu Shimeles, Nace Cohen
(bottom) BTC Executive Director Alison Glastein, School Committee member Nancy Tauber, School Committee member Marc McGovern, students Abdullahi D. and Atianna R., teacher Aquillia Mikel, Mayor Denise Simmons, and myself
If you have any questions about the Breakthrough program please contact the Summer Program Director, Sarah Joslyn at
Phone: (617)599-9826
Email: sjoslyn@cpsd.us
For more information follow these links
Breakthrough Cambridge:
Breakthrough Cambridge Blog:
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