What are you most likely to contact your Representative for?

A: 82% To voice support or opposition to state legislation
B: 18% To share your concerns about the neighborhood
C: Assistance navigating local bureaucracy
D: Just to say hello
It looks like the most common reason chosen by readers of this blog for contacting my office (or other State Representatives) has been to advocate for or share your position on state legislation, followed in distant second by sharing your concerns about the neighborhood.
Those are only two of the many reasons you may want to contact my office. We are here to help you with the complicated bureaucracy of our state, and to answer your general questions about government, about this district, and about the cities of Somerville and Cambridge. If myself or my office can't help you, we will direct you to the right place and make sure there is someone else who can.
Please feel free to call or email me anytime, my contact information can be found here.
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